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Saturday, February 13, 2010


Well it seems like ages since I have filled this screen with travel bits and bites. As it always seems to happen, my life overran my life, and things got put on the back burner, this being one.

But a new chapter is about to begin, and new adventures about to be had. From the Galapagos, and Quito, to Vancouver and the Olympics, New York to Utah, there is no end to the changes that must occur for us to grow up, and move on.

This new year will bring new experiences, tastes, sounds and smells, but with the new, must the old go out, and I will be saying goodbye to some friends, family and places that have gotten me through the past three years of being here in Canada.

What does all this mean? Stay tuned to find out.

Til next time....

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I have never felt my feet firmly planted on the ground.  When I was a child, I would dream of far away places filled with jumping kangaroos and gladiators.  I took my first trip when I was 19, running away from my issues and neglecting to deal with skeletons in my closet.  

Since then I have returned to my first home, and have found that while it has a special place in my heart, it is no longer home.

So I roam the planet, looking for a place for me to plant my feet, and find a home.  Will I find it in this life time?  I'll never know until I find it.  But I will continue looking for it, until my last breath.

These are my journeys.